2024 Policy Wins
December 13, 2024

In 2024, TNCAN continued to work to create more educational opportunities for students across our state. In 2024, we accomplished the following wins:

TennesseeCAN increased access to high-quality tutoring services for all students by renewing $130 million in funding in order to provide over 100,000 kids with continued services in grades K-9.

TennesseeCAN successfully advocated for the release of an A-F grading scale for school performance, adding to the comparative information available to parents.

TennesseeCAN supported parents having an understanding of how their school is spending money by ensuring their access to TISA spending data, which has now been released to all Tennesseans.

TennesseeCAN secured additional investments in facilities funding for charter schools by securing an additional $15 million grant from the state for facilities.

We look forward to making even further progress in the new year. Stay tuned–we’ll be sharing our legislative goals in early 2025.

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